If there is one particular class that I will never get tired of sitting in, it's no other than a make up workshop! It's a class that will never ever bore the beauty junkie in me. You see, just like fashion, make up has trends and also like technology, make up techniques get updated every now and then. And like a true make...
Scarlet Ibis is perhaps the boldest and brightest shade from the Mac Iris Apfel collection. It is a matte loud vivid red-orange that is definitely not for the faint heart. More pictures after the jump! ...
Glowing skin is on everybody's wish list. This explains the abundant number of highlighters, make up brightening bases and illuminating products in the market. Although these products work well in faking that radiant complexion, I would still like to have the courage to skip that extra dusting of meteorites on my face and greet the world with my bare, naturally-glowing skin. Who wouldn't...
If there is one make up product that I have been wearing every single day since I got it, it is no other than Benefit's newest brightening liquid foundation; -Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow. (trial size only) More pictures after the jump! ...
Robinsons Department Store is Beauty Bound this whole month of February. Stash the best beauty must-haves, fragrances, make up and skin care products that will make you look fresh and pretty wherevere you go. With a wide range of assortment, Robinsons Department store will cater to your everyday beauty essentials. More details about the amazing deals of the participating brands after the jump!...
I could not contain the joy that I felt when I tried Mac Party Parrot on my lips for the first time. Needless to say, it was definitely love at first swipe! I felt like I needed to reward myself for doing the right thing; - purchasing it outright! More pictures after the jump! ...
To my awesome Nuffnang family, happy happy 5th birthday! Thanks for making blog advertising so much fun with you guys! I'm super proud to be a nuffie! Kiss Kiss, ...
Turkish Delight; - the infamous Nars lipgloss that Kim Kardashian swears by (especially on top of Mac Angel lipstick), is shortly becoming one of my favorites as well! For a girl like me who basically can live without a gloss on her stash, that statement is HUGE. More pictures after the jump! ...
I went to Singapore recently and stayed there for almost a week. As much as I want to shop my heart out, I realized that with the hefty price tag of almost everything in Singapore, there is a huge probability that I will get broke in no time if I will stick with my shop-now-hop-later plan. So after careful evaluation and fear of...
I almost did not get Mac Flamingo lipstick from the recent Iris Apfel collection because it's a lustre. And as much as I adore the feel of lustre lipsticks on my lips (smooth and hydrating), I feel that they don't really do much on my pigmented lips. If I need a sheer wash of color on my puckers, I have a ton of...
I totally shifted gears with my skin and body regimen when I came across Snoe Beauty. Ever since that one afternoon, I can never have enough of their products (proof: my hauls). I remember, I even went all the way to Galleria just to stock up on my Snoe fixes. Good thing they already opened a stall at Landmark, Trinoma which is so...
Without a doubt, Sugarbomb is my favorite blush from Benefit (and is one of my all-time favorite blushes too). I find it funny actually because I never really had high hopes for this blush to begin with. Yes I've read quite a lot of positive reviews about Sugarbomb, but for some odd reason, I never had the urge to purchase one for myself...
Most girls fall into nude shades. But I'm definitely not part of that league. I'm more drawn to colors. I'm naturally pale and colors bring out the more alive version of myself. And if there is one particular color that I tend to favor more (at least on make up department), it's pink! I am and perhaps will always be drawn to pink...
I love Mango! And I love them even better when they are on SALE! Although I did not go crazy this time, I am still happy with the pieces that I got. Let's start! The only item that I bought during their first day of sale was the hobo bag that you see me toting around in some of my posts. And then, I...
There is no doubt that the Iris Apfel collection definitely rekindled my love for Mac. Let's just say that at one point in my make up world, I became lazy in trying to cope up with their gazillion collections. So with a brave soul (and happy wallet), I decided to put an end to my insanity. I gave up and stopped caring for...
I may not be a fan of blue eye shadows, but I dig blue polishes! And on that note, when I finally saw Orly Sweet Peacock (part of Birds of a Feather collection) on display at Landmark, Trinoma, I did not think twice and purchased one immediately. Why not? It's blue. It's metallic. It's gorgeous! Pictures below! ...