Fashion HAUL! (Bayo, Kamiseta, Fino)
8:27 AM
Apologies my dolls because this is such a super late post. I pushed back in posting about this haul because I've been meaning to go back to Bayo to pick up more items. However, this super crazy weather didn't permit me to do so. Booh!
Anyhow, I feel that I was still able to get awesome pieces at bargain prices. Yes, Bayo and Kamiseta is currently on sale (which I think would end until this month) so I couldn't pass on this great opportunity to haul and update my wardrobe. Just try not to laugh because despite the rainy weather, I had my eyes on summer-y clothes. Yes, that's how I roll! Now lets start with the stuff that I got from Bayo, shall we?
This is the thing. My current fashion obsession is skorts - meaning actual shorts that look like a skirts. Really, how could anyone not love them? The thought of having the convenience of wearing lady-like skirts without the fear of revealing too much because of one wrong move (like not crossing your legs while sitting to name a few) is beyond compare. On that note, I got a few.
Last but not the least, my coin purse died on me so I needed to get a new one. I was actually eyeing on getting a red one, because for some unknown reason, I always struggle in finding my coin purse inside my bag. So I needed something that would pop. But I forgot all about my original color plan when I saw this purple coin purse from Fino. You know purple is my fave color, so it was natural for me to snag it on sight. (wink!)

Anyhow, I feel that I was still able to get awesome pieces at bargain prices. Yes, Bayo and Kamiseta is currently on sale (which I think would end until this month) so I couldn't pass on this great opportunity to haul and update my wardrobe. Just try not to laugh because despite the rainy weather, I had my eyes on summer-y clothes. Yes, that's how I roll! Now lets start with the stuff that I got from Bayo, shall we?
This is the thing. My current fashion obsession is skorts - meaning actual shorts that look like a skirts. Really, how could anyone not love them? The thought of having the convenience of wearing lady-like skirts without the fear of revealing too much because of one wrong move (like not crossing your legs while sitting to name a few) is beyond compare. On that note, I got a few.
And since I needed to wear something the next day, I opted to get match-worthy tops as well.
Now, lets move to the actual shorts that I got from Kamiseta.
Last but not the least, my coin purse died on me so I needed to get a new one. I was actually eyeing on getting a red one, because for some unknown reason, I always struggle in finding my coin purse inside my bag. So I needed something that would pop. But I forgot all about my original color plan when I saw this purple coin purse from Fino. You know purple is my fave color, so it was natural for me to snag it on sight. (wink!)
And that's everything for now! Keep safe everyone!
Kiss Kiss,