Maybelline Goodies GIVEAWAY! #DoYouDare
10:49 PM
Hi everyone! I hope you are all safe. The rain is crazy and seeing flooded areas on the news breaks my heart. I really hope and pray that everything will turn out better tomorrow and in the following days.
Well on the brighter side, Maybelline sent me a ton of products recently and because I love y'all, I thought of sharing one set through a sweet giveaway.
Here are the items that one of you can win. Hope you are all excited! :)
Enter your entries in the rafflecopter widget below. Note: The first seven steps are all mandatory. Failure to skip one will forfeit all your entries. Also, please make sure to tag three friends on your facebook status and one friend on your twitter post.
This giveaway is open to anyone with a Philippine address and will be open until September 7, 2012 at 12:01 am EST. Good luck everyone!
Kiss Kiss,