Checking out your favorite Clinique product/s is now as easy as a breeze at Rustan's Makati. Shoppers can now conveniently swatch and test out items, thanks to its inviting and relatively more spacious counter. Let these pictures give you a glimpse of what's in store for you at the even better (and bigger) Clinique Makati. ...
As always, allow me first to thank all the ladies who entered my L'Oreal Wear Your Color Proud Giveaway! Special thanks also to L'Oreal Professionel Philippines for sponsoring this awesome contest on my blog. Now it's time to reveal the lucky winner! Ready? Drum roll please! Hitting the rafflecopter button now! ...
Heads up my fellow nail polish aficionados, Deborah Lippmann just introduced Jewel Heist, a limited edition collection of shimmer, creme and mega holographic glitter that is new to her current glitter range and it's beyond gorgeous! This newest glitter finish gives a never-before-seen, high-impact reflection of a full spectrum of colors. In short, breath-taking! ...
If ending the year with a new hair color is part of your to-do list, then you're in for a treat. Say goodbye to your diy hair color kits and let only the hair professionals touch your mane. You see, L'Oreal Professionnel, the leading provider of hair color in the Philippine salon industry, believes that every Filipina - mestiza, morena or chinita, deserves to have...
I feel like I'm evolving, especially with my lipstick shade choices. Years ago, I would jump over shades that are anything bold and show-stopper. In short, the brighter, the better. But perhaps because of my career change, I tamed a little and decided to give my mid-tone pinks a roll. Realizing the possibility of wearing my delicate soft pinks more often than before...
I don't pile make up on my face everyday. Just the thought of it makes me cringe to death. Despite my undying love for cosmetics, I still prefer to look naturally radiant, whilst using less products. On that note, I've stumbled upon one remarkable product that I've been loving to bits ever since I started using it months ago. Say hello to a...
Every time I get the chance to travel in another part of the country/globe, I couldn't help feel my excitement bubbling inside of me. You see, travelling doesn't just take me miles away from all the stressors in my life. More importantly, it has always served as the epinephrine for my borderline-dying zest for life. However, being on a holiday doesn't always go...